God Moments
Dear Lord; Happy Saturday Father!
I love those moments Lord,
When in the throes of our lives,
You announce Your presence.
Some see coincidence,
Some call it luck,
And yet,
I want see to them for what they are;
“God Moments”:
When just the right song plays on the radio, as if on cue…
While during a moment of self-doubt, a reassuring text message reminds us that we’re loved…
When the bills are due with no relief in sight, and yet somehow, the money shows up…
And while in the midst of our private pain, a quiet voice reminds us we’re Your Beloved.
So many times however Father,
I’ve missed the forest for the trees;
Seeing only frustration,
And struggle,
And pain.
Not viewing with eyes of faith and trust,
But instead through the world’s narrow lens.
Open my eyes Lord,
Open my heart.
Help me recognize Your hand
In every situation;
Not just those that make me smile.
For when I’m able to discern Your light
In everything around me,
Life itself
Becomes a “God Moment”. 🙂
~Phather Phil
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