
On A Lighter Note

Dear Lord; Happy Friday Father!

With hurricane Irene looming to our South Father, folks around here are very much consumed with preparing themselves for a difficult and potentially dangerous weekend.  We’ve made basic preparations ourselves; ensuring adequate supplies of food, water, propane and medications, as well as taking in any loose items from the deck and yard.  Tensions are running high for many people on the East Coast right now Lord, but Your Presence brings comfort to the chaos.  I pray that Your peace is felt by all those living in the shadow of fear, and that they can rest easier knowing that even in the midst of seemingly uncontrollable forces, Your sovereignty never falters.

To help combat the “dark clouds” on the horizon Father, I thought I’d end the week on a lighter note.  I came across a video today that just gave me a chuckle, so I decided to share it…

I was never a fan of the original song (I truly disliked it actually), but this version works for me!  🙂

Thank You Father, for all the Blessings You’ve bestowed on us this week.  Please calm the swirling winds, and shelter those in harm’s way in Your protective embrace that they may know Your might.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil
