
Widening the Connection

Dear Lord; Happy Friday Father!

Well Father, we come again to the end of yet another work-week and I’ll admit to being excited this time.  Tomorrow morning, my family and I leave for a week’s vacation at Chestnut Grove Resort in the Pocono Mountains.  The kids love it there Lord, and I’ve found that it’s someplace that I can truly relax and spend quiet, meditative time in Your Presence.  As Internet connectivity is quite limited, I don’t expect to be able to post our conversations every day, but hope to be able to at least a couple times over the course of the week.  Funny enough, it makes perfect sense that in places where my connections to the world are more limited, my connection to You opens up wider.  🙂

In preparation for our time away, I spent some time yesterday picking out new books to read, and music to travel by.  For reading material (other than my trusty Bible App on my Android tablet), I have “Heaven is Real” written by Don Piper, and “Just Too Busy: Taking your Family on a Radical Sabbatical” by Joanne Kraft (Thanks so much Elaine!).  As for music, while my iPod is already quite loaded with inspiring songs, I just had to add the albums “Blessings” by Laura Story, and “On Fire” from Peter Furler to the mix.  Peter’s song “Reach” has been running through my head a lot the last couple weeks, so I’m excited to have the rest of his solo premier album to enjoy as well…

While we’re up there, we’ve also been invited by friends of ours to attend services at Pocono Community Church.  From what they tell us, it’s a wonderful House of Worship and we’re very much looking forward to hearing the Pastor’s message on Sunday morning.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for all the Blessings You’ve bestowed on us this week, and for Your abundant Presence in our lives each day.  I look forward with anticipation to spending communal time with You this coming week, and pray that You’ll keep us in Your Loving Embrace as we venture away from home.  Amen.

~Phather Phil
