
Meditations Monday: Transformational Benevolence

Dear Lord; Happy Meditations Monday Father!

Well Lord, yet another weekend has come and gone at the Malmstrom home.  As seems to be our norm as of late, it was a somewhat hectic weekend but also one filled with fun, laughter, and the company of good friends.  Your Presence was felt in abundance, and I thank You for Blessing us with these times of recreation and fellowship.

This week’s Meditations Monday verse is taken from Chapter 4 of Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians:

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV)

Wow… no pressure there Father.  😉

This a powerful, relevant verse Lord, and one all Your Children should take to heart more thoroughly.  As the fragile, broken beings we are, we often allow our sinful natures to overshadow Your Desires for us.  Feelings of inner conflict and malicious intent eat away at our souls, and obscure us from Your Voice.  In this passage, Paul reminds us that You Blessed us with the perfect example of Divine Forgiveness.  You set the bar, and guide us in our Walk to emulate that behavior in our dealings with one another.

And as we discussed on Friday’s post Father, You know our hearts, not just the persona we put on for others.  “Surface forgiveness” isn’t what Your edict to us defines, but instead we’re to strive for true, transformational benevolence.  It’s a steep climb to be sure, but one that leads us ever closer to Christ’s Footsteps and to Your Kingdom.

Heavenly Father, I thank You once again for Your consistent guiding Presence in my life.  Please help me to cast off the chains of sinful emotions, and reach out to others in the nature of true forgiveness and compassion.  Help me to make decisions that best glorify Your Will, and to bring Your Light to those around me.  Amen.

~Phather Phil
