
Sharing My Bubble

Dear Lord; Happy Friday Father!

Well Father, we’ve once again come to the end of another work-week and the gateway to the coming weekend.  Earlier this afternoon, In preparation for a fun, relaxed evening at home with Shannon and the boys, I ventured over to the Super Wal*Mart to grab some quick supplies for homemade calzones.  I generally try to avoid the big “supercenters” as much as humanly possible, but as it’s very close to my office and I only needed a couple of items, I decided to throw caution to the wind and go nonetheless.

It was rather busy (as it usually is on Friday afternoons) but I was able to find what I needed reasonably quickly, and soon found myself standing in line at the express checkout, waiting to pay for my groceries.

And then suddenly, I felt a disturbance in the force.

I glanced over my shoulder, and noticed that the man in line behind me was amazingly close by … I mean, no more than a foot or so away.  I took a step forward to the checkout, attempting to widen the gap, but he followed my movements, maintaining his proximity to me.  I placed my items on the checkout bed, and he again followed suit by placing his right behind mine.  Thankfully, I had a very small purchase, so I quickly paid the cashier and as soon as my change had been returned, I instigated a hasty stride for the exit.

Sitting in my truck shortly thereafter, I took a deep breath and began to settle a bit.  The gentleman hadn’t actually touched me at any point, but I felt as though my “space” had been infiltrated all the same; he’d breached my “bubble”, and all the alarms in my head sounded the trespass.

“You used to react that way to Me too…” I felt You tell me.

Wow Father… I did, didn’t I…

For many years, whenever You tried to get closer to me I ran for the proverbial exit.  I see this in hindsight of course, as at the time I wasn’t even 100% convinced of Your existence, much less Your desire to be a part of my life.  But as I sift through the events of my troubled young-adulthood, I realize that You tried to get my attention… A lot.  Each time the attempt was made however, I retreated into myself further and closed my bubble around me like a force field.

I’m so thankful that’s changed Father.  Welcome to my Personal Space.  🙂

When I began my journey back to You Lord, I found that the more I welcomed You into my life, the more of Your presence I desired.  I need You as close to me as possible Father; close enough that it becomes indistinguishable where I end, and where You begin.

That continues to be my prayer Father… Draw me closer, share my bubble.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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Thankful Thursday: Freed From My Bonds

Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!

And yet again Father, we come to the Thankful Thursday edition of  To be completely honest Lord, this has been a painful and stressful week for me on a number of fronts.  Ten years back, this kind of week would have seen me sleepless, highly agitated, and very likely drinking too much in an attempt to numb the angst.  Thankfully Father, You’ve freed me from those bonds;

The misconception that I have to rely on my own strength to solve my problems…

The chains of trying to use alcohol, food or other distractions to “fill the hole” that I was feeling…

The overwhelming sense that I was truly all alone in my trials…

So although this week has brought along with it a number of challenges Lord, my spirit is much more at ease knowing Your presence is with me.  I’ve felt that soothing embrace around me as I’ve struggled this week Father, and for that I am truly thankful.

Picking up where I left off on last week’s list of Blessings, this week I’m especially grateful for:

346. The fellowship of our church family.

347. The indescribable “God High” that I have following our Small Group gatherings.

348. Fresh, still-warm egg salad sandwiches.

349. Getting a significant jump-start on our Christmas crafting projects last weekend.

350. A wonderful, unexpected discussion of faith I had with a client last week.

351. Time spent teaching my boys about woodworking last weekend.

352. Finding a deli nearby my office that makes amazing subs and sandwiches.

353. Finding a good, free Twitter client that works on my PC, my Mac, my tablet and my phone.

354. The complex intertwining of souls that You grace my life with.

355. YouVersion offering a 48-hour period this weekend where I can download NIV and NLV translations for offline viewing.

356. The wide variety of inexpensive or free eBooks available online.

357. Your reminders to me each day that I’m always in Your loving embrace.

358. Neighbors that gave up their last three sheets of printer paper so our kids could finish a school project.

359. Eternal Prosperity.

360. Having a marriage where no matter how crazy or stressed things get, we’re able to cut through it all and support each other.

Even when the clouds loom above us Father, Your many Blessings cut through that haze every time.  🙂

Heavenly Father,

We thank you Lord, for the multitude of Blessings You bring to our lives each day; both those that announce Your presence with abandon, and those that quietly Bess us from the shadows.  You are indeed a loving, giving Father, and I rest securely knowing that whatever path You lead me down, that Your grace will ensure my steps land on sure footing.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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Thankful Thursday: All Eyes Are On You

Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!

Last week Lord, I had my annual eye exam as required by Delaware law to renew the prescription for my contact lenses.  I’ve never been a huge fan of anyone poking around in my eyes, but since I switched to contacts a few years back I’ve become accustomed to the necessary ritual each autumn.  This year’s visit however, yielded a bit of a surprise for me.  When the examination had been completed, the doctor quietly informed me that she was going to have to write me a different prescription…

My eyesight has actually gotten stronger.

The doctor explained to me that it wasn’t uncommon for people’s eyesight to vary over the years, but I still feel there’s a parallel here that I shouldn’t ignore nonetheless.  My eyesight began to degrade when I was seven years old, requiring me to wear glasses from second grade on.  Since that time, I can’t remember even one eye exam where my vision has shown even a minute change for the better.  I find it intriguing that while my earthly eyes have become stronger, at the same time I’m seeing Your presence all around me with ever increasing clarity as well.

As Toby Mac stated in the song “Lose My Soul”;

All eyes are on You Lord… All eyes are on You.

Thanks for the smile Father.  🙂

Picking up where I left off on last week’s Thankful Thursday list Lord, this week I’ve been especially grateful for:

331. The opportunity I received to minister to a friend in need this week.

332. A wonderful, inspiring evening’s discussion at this week’s Small Group Gathering : “Treasures of the Transformed Life”

333. A tasty Sunday after-church brunch trying a new recipe : Cinnamon Roll Pancakes.

334. Having a weekend with a good bit of “down-time”.

335. My thoughtful Administrative Assistant bringing me two big bags of Twizzlers for Boss’ Day.

336. The comfort of Your presence when life’s situations begin to overwhelm me.

337. A wonderful photowalk with Jonathan and Aidan in Blackbird State Forest last Sunday.

338. The convictions of the Holy Spirit helping me to focus and grow as You desire me to.

339. A powerful evening of music and worship at the John Waller concert last Thursday night.

340. A successful first attempt at making homemade calzones this week.

341. Seeing the Holy Spirit growing in my wife Shannon more and more each day.

342. An eye exam showing that my vision has actually improved slightly.

343. The opportunity to be a part of Someone Else’s Story.

344. Connecting with a wide range of inspiring people and organizations through Twitter.

345. The inspirations You place on my heart each day.

Heavenly Father,

We give thanks Dear Lord, for all the many Blessings You bestow on us each day; both those which boldly announce Your glory, and those that grace our lives in silence.  Please open our eyes that we might recognize and praise You for the many gifts you bring to us, and open our hearts that we may share those overwhelming Blessings with those around us.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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Drawing the Water

Dear Lord; Happy Wednesday Father!

Last night Lord, we held the second of six meetings for the Small Group Study “Treasures of the Transformed Life” at the house.  Like first gathering, it was well attended and everyone brought fresh perspective and insight to the discussion.  We even had a couple younger participants this time, and they jumped right in with both feet.  It was a productive and inspiring evening, and I felt truly Blessed to be a part of it.

This week’s focus was called “Drawing the Water”.  Continuing with the metaphor used in last week’s discussion : “Priming the Pump”, once we’ve prepared ourselves to receive Christ into our hearts by fully committing to Him, we can then begin to draw from that inexhaustible supply of Living Water that You make available to us.  The primary way we accomplish this is through the practice of prayer.

The study material discussed a number of types of prayers, methodologies for focusing our prayers and the different ways that You respond to those conversations when we do so.  Our group latched onto this topic wholeheartedly, and we had a wonderful exchange discussing the different ways we pray, things we’ve prayed for, and the myriad of ways in which You’ve answered those prayers in our lives.  It was a lively, refreshing dialogue, and I believe that everyone who attended came away with some new perspective on making our conversations with You a deeper part of our lives.

As I’m sure You can tell Father, I’m very much enjoying leading this group of people through the study.  It’s a warm, inviting, friendly gathering each week, and I think all of us have learned a great deal so far; both from the study itself, and from the wonderful input each member brings to the discussion.  I’m thankful for being a part of this endeavor, and look forward to continuing it next week.

Heavenly Father,

I come to You today Lord, with arms open wide and a heart committed to Your presence in my life.  Through Your gift of prayer, You grant us a personal audience and an open invitation to deepen our relationship by seeking You.  For that heavenly connection, and all of the other ways You come into our lives, I give thanks.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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Reflections in the Word

Dear Lord; Happy Tuesday Father!

As You’re aware Lord, over the last few weeks my Scripture reading time has been spent wading through the Old Testament books of Kings and Chronicles.  I won’t pull any punches Father, they can be some onerous books to read, but without a doubt they’re chock-full of Your wisdom nonetheless.  This morning, as I was nearing the end of 2nd Chronicles the thought crossed my mind:

“Wow… They just didn’t learn very quickly, did they.”

It really wasn’t meant to be disrespectful or nearly as sarcastic as it came out, but reading about king after king that “…did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord”, and by doing so led their people down paths of destruction and pain, I was struck by the fact that even with all they knew to be true, they still turned away from Your path.

“You do that now and again yourself…” You whispered.

Double Ouch!!

Yes Father… yes I do…

While I may not erect idols and temples to other gods, I certainly have allowed my focus and desires to shift away from You, and to cling to earthly things.

I sometimes allow my pride to overwhelm me and try to rely on my own strength to “fix” things, instead of humbling my heart and following Your lead.

Although my Walk with You has grown ever closer, there are still times that the concerns of the world get their hooks in my heart, and Your voice becomes drowned out in the turmoil.

While I very much try to look towards others with Your love in my heart, there have certainly been more than a few cases where I’ve allowed negative feelings to get the better of me, and not treated people as Jesus’ example directed us.

I guess I don’t learn very quickly Father…

Thankfully, You haven’t given up on me.  🙂

It’s convicting to read through those pages and see reflections of our own behaviors Father, but if that realization helps guide us closer to You, then we’re truly bringing Your Word into our hearts.

Heavenly Father,

I lift my praises Lord, for the lessons and messages You bring us through Scripture, and for the guidance we receive through Your Holy Spirit.  For although the truths we uncover may be convicting, uncomfortable or even painful, if in the end they draw us closer to Your will, it’s a path we need to follow all the same.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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