
The Brightest Star in the Sky

Dear Lord; Happy Tuesday Father!

You know Father, with the multitude of Blessings You surround me with each day, I find it both fascinating and wonderful that when I allow my thoughts to drift and ponder those many gifts, my wife Shannon’s face is always the brightest star in the sky.  Of course Lord, I’m by no means discounting the other miracles You’ve placed into my life, but the longer that she and I are together and the more we go through, the more I realize that Your intentions for marriage are truly foundational.

And although I would never presume to comprehend Your scope on the subject Father, over the time that I’ve been married to Shannon I do believe I’ve come to understand some of the fundamental reasons why You’ve brought us together…

You desire that we should have intimate companionship.

Although obviously sex is a piece of this Lord, it’s not entirely to what I’m referring.  We’re Blessed with many relationships throughout our lives, but when we honor the divine nature of marriage by nourishing, encouraging and sharing completely with one another, it provides an amazingly deep, intimate connection that only You could have designed.

Marriage confronts us with the fact that we’re generally self-centered beings by nature, and helps us learn to place others first.

Our flesh wants.  It’s that simple.  From the first minute we become aware of ourselves, we’re driven by our earthly shells to seek gratification in the basic and flawed attempt to find happiness.  In many ways, it’s the ultimate paradox; to find the peace and contentment that a relationship with Jesus offers, we must first learn to see past our selfish natures and give of ourselves with a joyous heart.  In the same respect, for our marriages to live and thrive we need to learn to place our spouse, and our union, ahead of ourselves.

By joining us together as man and wife, You draw us closer to You through that union.

When we’re brought together through the union of marriage, we’re in fact taking on a third member of the family… You, Lord.  Through Your ordainment of a couple’s commitment to one another, You connect through that Blessing in an amazingly powerful way.  While it’s obviously important for each of us to seek and nourish a personal relationship with You Father, it’s no less important to cultivate and maintain a deep connection with You as a married couple.  By keeping You as an integral part of our marriages, we bring ourselves closer to one another in the process.

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:12 (ESV)

Heavenly Father,

Through the gift of marriage Lord, You draw us together in example of Your love for us.  Please help strengthen our commitment to one another, and to glorifying You through our nourishing of this holy union.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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Reflections in the Word

Dear Lord; Happy Tuesday Father!

As You’re aware Lord, over the last few weeks my Scripture reading time has been spent wading through the Old Testament books of Kings and Chronicles.  I won’t pull any punches Father, they can be some onerous books to read, but without a doubt they’re chock-full of Your wisdom nonetheless.  This morning, as I was nearing the end of 2nd Chronicles the thought crossed my mind:

“Wow… They just didn’t learn very quickly, did they.”

It really wasn’t meant to be disrespectful or nearly as sarcastic as it came out, but reading about king after king that “…did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord”, and by doing so led their people down paths of destruction and pain, I was struck by the fact that even with all they knew to be true, they still turned away from Your path.

“You do that now and again yourself…” You whispered.

Double Ouch!!

Yes Father… yes I do…

While I may not erect idols and temples to other gods, I certainly have allowed my focus and desires to shift away from You, and to cling to earthly things.

I sometimes allow my pride to overwhelm me and try to rely on my own strength to “fix” things, instead of humbling my heart and following Your lead.

Although my Walk with You has grown ever closer, there are still times that the concerns of the world get their hooks in my heart, and Your voice becomes drowned out in the turmoil.

While I very much try to look towards others with Your love in my heart, there have certainly been more than a few cases where I’ve allowed negative feelings to get the better of me, and not treated people as Jesus’ example directed us.

I guess I don’t learn very quickly Father…

Thankfully, You haven’t given up on me.  🙂

It’s convicting to read through those pages and see reflections of our own behaviors Father, but if that realization helps guide us closer to You, then we’re truly bringing Your Word into our hearts.

Heavenly Father,

I lift my praises Lord, for the lessons and messages You bring us through Scripture, and for the guidance we receive through Your Holy Spirit.  For although the truths we uncover may be convicting, uncomfortable or even painful, if in the end they draw us closer to Your will, it’s a path we need to follow all the same.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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Meditations Monday: Someone Else’s Story

Dear Lord; Happy Meditations Monday Father!

Well Father, I couldn’t have asked for a lovelier weekend.  Coming off of a tiring and complicated week, Shannon, the boys and I were all well-worn by the time Friday evening rolled around.  With that being the case, we made the decision to spend a good bit of our “down time” as the description implies… down.  Friday evening we curled up on the couch together and watch movies until bedtime.  Saturday morning we lounged around the house in the morning, and then headed outside to do our “Fall clean up” of the planting beds along the house.  The rest of the day was split between miscellaneous housework, and more movie-time with the kids.  Sunday morning began with an uplifting service at church, then back to the house for a tasty, fun breakfast of Cinnamon Roll Pancakes (Thanks for pointing me to the recipe Alida :-)).  Jonathan, Aidan and I then gave Mommy some quiet time and headed out to Blackbird State Forest for a long walk in the beauty and abundance of Your Creation.  The rest of the day was spent finishing up some odds-and-ends around the house, and then yet another quiet evening on the couch with the boys.  This was the first weekend in quite some time where we didn’t have a packed schedule of activities, and it was ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL.  Thank You so much for that much-needed respite Lord!

This week’s Meditations Monday Scripture is actually inspired by something John Waller talked about at the worship concert we attended last Thursday.  One of the songs he played discussed his desire to be used to bring Your light into other people’s lives.  The song is appropriately titled “Somebody Else’s Story”:

Out of all the wonderful music he shared with us that night Lord, this is the one that really hit home with me.  As a Christian, I can think of no greater joy than bringing Your message to the hearts of those around me; to show them the true wonder of Your love for us, and to share the gifts You’ve Blessed me with in Your service.

“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”” – Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV)

I take that Commission very seriously Father, and when I get the opportunity to be a part of someone else’s “Story”, It’s a Blessing beyond words for me.  Mr. Waller’s song captures that desire beautifully, and I thank You for placing it in his heart to share with us.

Heavenly Father,

As we begin the week Lord, please help guide our choices and actions to best reflect Your desire for our lives.  Inspire us to reach out and share Your message of love and redemption with those we encounter each day, and to faithfully serve Your will.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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Like a Puzzle Piece

Dear Lord; Happy Tuesday Father!

Over the last year or so Father, I’ve come across a seemingly increasing number of people who are going through some form of hardship or another.  Be it a job lost, financial upset, serious illness, or relationship crisis, personal stress very much appears to be on the rise.  Recently, I was speaking with a young lady going through such a trial, and she popped out a statement that I’ve heard many, many times…

“Well, I know God won’t give me more than I can handle.”

Now Lord, to be fair, for many years I used this misquote of 1st Corinthians 10:13 myself.  It was a phrase many of us heard growing up, and it wasn’t until my “edge” was reached that I understood the misinterpretation in full.  The actual Scripture reads:

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” – 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)

As the Apostle Paul wrote here, our earthly temptations (or trials) are not unique to us as individuals; others have endured similar turmoil.  And while we may feel sometimes that our burdens are beyond our ability to adapt, that’s when Your strength comes to bear.

Are we given more than we can handle?  Absolutely!  Thankfully, God’s grace fills that gap like a puzzle piece.

Through our trials, our struggles and our pain, You temper and stretch our spirits Father.  However, when we find that point where our earthly tolerance wavers, Your strength eagerly awaits our call.  As Paul so aptly noted, when we face temptation or trial You always provide a way out so that we can endure… Right into Your arms!

…Where there is no pain… no suffering… only the divine love and protection of a Father for his child.

Heavenly Father,

We thank You for Your ever-faithful presence in our lives.  In those times when our lives seem to spiral beyond our capability to contain them, please bring us those gentle, calming assurances that Your love transcends our pain, and that in Your embrace we are truly safe.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

Marking a Milestone

Dear Lord; Happy Wednesday Father!

Well Father, today marks a milestone for  This post is the 300th “email to God” that I’ve shared with the world.  It’s been a wonderful journey so far Lord, and I feel truly Blessed to have been guided down this path with You.

Along with strengthening my bond to You Father, this site has also brought another wonderful and unexpected Blessing to my life as well; it’s connected me to an Internet fellowship of believers, many of which I’ve come to regard as valued friends.  Without their daily encouragement, postings on their blogs that teach and inspire their readers, and their kind thoughts and prayers, would not have come this far.  Therefore, to celebrate this happy event Father, I’d like to give thanks to some of these wonderful people.

Jenifer at ~Sweet Blessings~ : Jenifer; you’re a wonderfully sweet and tender soul; a true Child of God in every way.  Your posts each day bring a smile to my face, and never fail to inspire me.  Thank you.

Lisa at A Moment With God : Lisa; I’ve learned so much from your posts, and from your friendship.  You find messages in Scripture that make me reach deeper, and I’m Blessed each day by your efforts.  Thank you.

Jean at Healthy Spirituality : Jean; Reading your site dear lady, I often feel as though I’m sitting quietly with you having coffee.  Your beautiful spirit comes through in every post, and you raise questions that expand my mind, and make my heart reach for truth.  Thank you.

Allison at Beautiful in Him : Allison; Your energy for the Lord is infectious!  Your posts expose a beautifully vibrant heart, and your love of Christ shows through in every article.  You’ve inspired me in many ways through your writing and your service to others, and for that I thank you.

Kelli and Heidi at Mothers On Mission : Ladies; Although your site is geared towards women, I’ve gained so much inspirations from reading your posts.  And even though I’m not your “target reader” 🙂 , you’ve always encouraged me and kindly included me in the discussions.  Thank you.

Eileen at The Scenic Route : Eileen; I think Eileen, you’re one of the most insightful people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.  You see God’s messages in everyday life with wondrous clarity, and relay them to your readers in eloquent fashion.  You have a beautiful heart, and I thank you for sharing it with us.

Mandy at Growing with God : Mandy; I’ve very much enjoyed watching your Walk with the Lord grow closer in your posts.  You’ve seen through the clouds of trial, and have emerged into His light.  Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

Alida at Blackpurl’s Knitpickings… An Expat Journal : Alida; Through your photos, your postings and your comments here, I’ve gained wonderful insight into what it means to truly spend your life in God’s service.  I seldom leave your site without a smile, and thank you for Blessing us with your work.

Kandi at Get Out of the Boat : Kandi; Your words are so transparently lovely Kandi… You bring your heart to every post, and I truly believe God smiles when you’re writing.  Thank you for letting us peek in on your kind spirit, and for sharing your Walk with us.

Elaine at Peace for the Journey : Elaine; You have a stalwart energy, and a thirst for knowing Christ’s heart that I rarely see.  Your writing is simply elegant, and I’ve gained much perspective and inspiration in sharing your journey this past year.  Thank you.

Debra at Pure and Simple : Debra; You have a purity to your writing Debra, which I feel makes God’s presence shine in your postings.  Your tender heart is always apparent, but is aligned closely with a wisdom that educates and inspires as well.  Thank you.

Christopher at The Happy Seeker : Christopher; My dear friend, I feel a remarkable connection between us, even though we’ve never actually met.  You have a beautiful energy that you share with your readers, and you bring that presence to everything you write.  “Meeting” you has truly been a Blessing.  Thank you.

And there are so many more Father… Blessed souls, all of them.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you Lord, for connecting me with such a wonderful fellowship of believers, and for Blessing this ministry as You have.  I look forward to many, many more conversations.  🙂

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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