Dec 14, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Dec 14, 2011 | 7 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Wednesday Father!
I Father, as You know, am a creature of habit.
Every day during the work-week, I leave my house and travel a quiet series of back roads to reach my office. There’s only a few “blips” of significant traffic at the major intersections, and other than that it’s a generally straightforward ride.
One day last week however, I needed to make a stop before going in to the office so instead of my normal, peaceful morning commute, I was forced to travel the main roads in through the city of Dover. Now, Dover’s not exactly a sprawling metropolis by any means, but it’s certainly a good bit more hectic than my usual quiet country roads.
As I sat in the stop-and-go traffic, my mind drifted a bit and I found myself noticing how cluttered and complicated the roadways seemed as opposed to my normal route. With all of the multi-way intersections, turn lanes, and bypasses, it dawned on me that without the plethora of road signs dotting the highway, it would be quite easy to get lost in the chaos…
Hmmm… Kind of like the “Road Signs” You’ve give us in Your Word Father…
No Stopping Any Time : “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)
Yield : “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.” – Proverbs 3:5-7 (ESV)
One Way : “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”” – John 14:6 (ESV)
Water on Road : “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
and the flame shall not consume you.” – Isaiah 43:2 (ESV)
Quiet Zone : “Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!” – Psalm 46:10 (ESV)
Share the Road : “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2 (ESV)
Thank You Father, for giving us Your Word to guide us safely along the road of life we travel. I pray we see and recognize all Your “Signs”, and that at the end of our journey here on Earth, we haven’t made too many wrong turns along the way. 🙂
To close our conversation out today Lord, I want to take a moment to thank You for one of the biggest Blessings in my life.
Twelve years ago today Father, You brought into our lives a very special, and precious little boy named Jonathan.

He’s a remarkable child Lord; filled with a beautiful sense of wonder and imagination, and the light of Christ in his heart. In this past year, I’ve seen him take amazing strides towards growing into the resilient, caring, compassionate, godly young man I know he’s capable of becoming. Please continue to keep him in Your embrace Father; guide him, nurture him and bring to him that strength and peace that only Your presence delivers.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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Dec 8, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Dec 8, 2011 | 4 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!
As You know Father, for the past several weeks our Tuesday night study group has been working through a DVD Book Study based on Pastor Pete Wilson’s book : “Plan B: What do you do when God doesn’t show up the way you thought He would”. I’d read the book earlier this year and very much enjoyed it, so when the time came to choose a new study, I was quite pleased that everyone agreed to pursue “Plan B”. As of this week, we’ve completed three sessions of the study and so far it’s been an inspiring and encouraging examination of how even in the midst of seemingly hopeless situations, You perform some of Your most powerful work in us.
As I was thinking today on some of the things we’ve been discussing in the group these past few weeks, it dawned on me that Christmas itself is the celebration of Mary and Joseph’s “Plan B”. Before being visited by the Angel Gabriel, Mary’s life was proceeding along a fairly normal path. She’d become betrothed to a man named Joseph, and was very likely planning for her role as his wife, and the future mother of their children.
And in a moment, her world turned upside down…
And our world was forever changed.
Her “Plan B” was Your “Plan A”.
This hammers home a very important point Father; in the midst of those situations where our lives seem to be flying desperately off course, You’re not shaken or confused. What we view as turmoil, You see as opportunity…
May we all seize those opportunities Father; embracing the understanding that our “Plan B” moments, were Your “Plan A”s all along. 🙂
And now Lord, on to this week’s Thankful Thursday list! This past week has been simply overflowing with Your Blessings Father, but I’d like to give special thanks for:
421. Having friends that pray for me.
422. Getting to spend much of the day Saturday cooking for family and friends.
423. A quick healing for the eye I scratched.
424. Some helpful advice from a friend that helped get the Jaguar running again.
425. New glasses for Jonathan.
426. That the Rimadyl is making an obvious improvement in Brandy’s pain level.
427. Having friends that can tell when I’m having a rough time, and pushing through my “wall”.
428. A quiet walk in Blackbird State Forest with Jonathan last Sunday.
429. That even though I fall short in so many ways, You know my heart and guide me ahead.
430. Candy Cane Hershey’s Kisses.
431. Real kisses from my loving wife.
432. The Kids Construction Workshops at Home Depot.
433. Seeing my children reach out with giving hearts.
434. Knowing that I’m Your Beloved Child.
435. Having a full collection of inspiring Christmas Music to play on my iPod during the day.
And so much more Lord.
Heavenly Father,
We thank You Lord, for the many Blessings you bestow on us each day; both those that announce Your presence like sirens in the night, and those that grace our lives in Stillness.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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Dec 1, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Dec 1, 2011 | 6 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!
And once again Father, we come to the Thankful Thursday “edition” here at Today, I’m picking up where I left off on my list two weeks back, as for Thanksgiving I was Blessed to be able to present You with lists from Shannon and the boys instead. You graced us with a truly wonderful holiday weekend Father; filled with family, friends, fellowship and the beautiful promise that the beginning of Advent brings to our hearts. So much to be thankful for Lord, so much…
And on that note Father, continuing from where we left off, this past week I’ve been especially grateful for:
406. An absolutely beautiful Thanksgiving gathering with close friends and family.
407. You Blessing me with exactly what You know I need, when I need it. (Not to be confused with what I think I need, or what I want…)
408. Having close brothers and sisters in Christ to help keep me accountable.
409. An inspiring and encouraging Small Group gathering Tuesday evening as we delve deeper into the “Plan B” study.
410. Getting the outside Christmas lights up last weekend.
411. The spark of anticipation that this Season of Advent places in my heart.
412. Time spent with Jonathan putting up the Christmas lights.
413. Seeing the joy on Aidan’s face as he helped put the lights on the Christmas tree for the first time.
414. Turkey Club Sandwiches made with the leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner.
415. That no matter how “out of control” life can seem to us, You’re never shaken.
416. Snuggling up with the kids on the couch to watch Christmas movies.
417. Having a group of our church family over for a fellowship brunch after services last Sunday.
418. The opportunity for our family to light the first Advent Wreath Candle during the church service last Sunday.
419. The “Blue Glow” that covers our house during the Christmas Season.
420. A beautiful guest “Email to God” written by my friend Kandi this week.
And the list continues to grow Lord, with no end in sight… 🙂
Heavenly Father,
We thank You Father, for the multitude of Blessings you bestow on us each and every day; both those that shine brightly with Your radiance, and those that uplift us quietly from the shadows. As we rejoice in the anticipation that this Season of Advent signifies, please open our hearts Lord, and fill us with wonder and gratitude at the coming of the Christ Child.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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Nov 24, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Nov 24, 2011 | 9 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!
And today Father, we come to the original Thankful Thursday… Thanksgiving! On this day each year, here in the United States we take time to put aside the normal activities and concerns of daily life and focus our attentions on Your abundant Blessings.
As we’ve discussed many times Lord, when I begin counting my Blessings my wife Shannon and my two boys Jonathan and Aidan immediately spring to mind. They’re truly one of Your greatest gifts in my life Father, and I can’t begin to thank You enough for my life with them.
As precious as they are to me Father, it seems fitting that on this day where our focus rests in gratitude, that I share our conversation with them as well. Therefore, for this Thankful Thursday “Special Edition”, I present You with some things that my cherished family members are grateful for:
Jonathan (Age 11)
– Having the choice to follow the Lord.
– Having friends and family over for Thanksgiving.
– Having parents that are still together.
– Having the opportunity to get an education.
– That all my sins are forgiven.
Aidan (Age 9)
– For my family.
– For our home.
– For good food to eat.
– That I have people that love me.
– For the fun I have building Legos.
Shannon (Older than 11 :-))
– The love of a grace-filled man.
– Empathetic children who give their birthday money to help fill a church food pantry.
– Recipes from the past that shine like new.
– Music to share in ALL aspects of my life.
– Craft links on Pinterest 😉
Heavenly Father,
As we focus on Your many gifts in our lives Lord, Your love for us is so apparent. Open our eyes and our hearts Father, that we better recognize Your Blessings each day, and realize that Thanksgiving isn’t only once a year, but every day that we dwell in Your tender mercies.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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Nov 21, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Nov 21, 2011 | 3 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Meditations Monday Father!
Well Father, once again You’ve Blessed my family and I by gracing us with another wonderful weekend together, surrounded by ample signs of Your love for us. Aidan’s birthday party Friday night brought a flurry of activity to the house, and the sleepover portion of the festivities kept that youthful liveliness going late into the evening. (If we could harness the energy of nine-year-old boys Father, I truly believe the world’s energy issues would be at an end. ;-)) Shannon spent Saturday afternoon playing her viola in the Dover Symphony’s Children’s Concert, while the boys and I got some errands and household duties accomplished. Sunday started as usual with morning services at Ewell’s St. Paul, with the remainder of the day consumed by housework, preparations for Thanksgiving and quiet time spent enjoying each other’s company. All in all Lord, it was a Blessed time spent with those I love, and I thank You for that period of respite from the workweek.
As part of preparing our home for the upcoming Thanksgiving gathering, and to lay the groundwork for next weekend’s Christmas decorating marathon, Jonathan and I spent a good bit of Sunday afternoon cleaning and rearranging the garage, and bringing in the furniture from our back deck. In the midst of doing so, I realized that it had been more than six months since I’d started the 1986 Jaguar I’d restored some years back, and well over a year since it had left the confines of our garage. The battery was completely dead, so I connected up the charger, and let it run until the indicator light clued me in that it was done. I settled into the driver’s seat, turned the key in the ignition, and…
It bluntly refused to start.
At first, I was a little taken aback. Since I’d finished restoring it, this car has always fired right up with no hesitation whatsoever. Then I realized… it’s had the same gasoline in its tanks for well over 16 months; engines don’t like stale gas. When the brakes went out a year and a half ago I parked it, and waited for the time and money to repair it. Unfortunately, our finances have been stretched since that time, and I unintentionally allowed it to fall into neglect. I failed to perform the proper maintenance a stored vehicle requires, and as a result it will now require some repairs before it runs again.
Thinking about the situation as I drove in to the office today, I realized there was a lesson to be learned here…
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 (ESV)
Like my immobile auto, our faith needs to have regular service performed on it as well. In this passage from First Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul describes some directives which could be looked at as “Spiritual Maintenance” of a sort. Our journey of faith is a lifelong, winding road, requiring a spirit that’s fueled regularly (time in the Word), diligently maintained (thanks and prayer) and kept out of damaging conditions (abstaining from evil). When we neglect our spirit’s proper upkeep, that road becomes uncertain, and our pace towards You is diminished.
Our spirits don’t run well on “stale gas” either. 🙂
Heavenly Father,
We thank You Lord, for the great care and faithfulness You show to us each day. Instill in our hearts the commitment and passion to keep our spirits “maintained” and agile, that we may journey along the path You’ve set for us unimpeded.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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