
The Cleansing Rain

Dear Lord; Good evening Father!

Ah Lord, spring is truly here in all it’s glory; the grass is growing, the trees are sprouting, the flowers are starting to bloom…

And the pollen is everywhere.

Heading out to work and school this morning, we exited the garage and were faced with a lesson in color manipulation; my nice dark blue SUV had turned a fuzzy shade of green.  The dusting of yellow pollen was so thick across the skin of the vehicle that it literally looked to be a different color.


The golden film held on all throughout the day, leaving the truck feeling dingy and old.

Driving home from a client’s office this evening, the colorful allergen’s grip on my vehicle was torn away as the skies opened and a cooling spring rain began to fall.  The coating was quickly flushed off the surface of the truck, and everything once again seemed bright and clean.

Now, this seems familiar I thought…

Sin does to our souls what pollen did to my truck; it coats, and covers, and dirties and distorts.  And like the cleansing rain, Your Grace washes that sin from our beings.  We are made fresh and new in Your Love, and able to see Your Path more clearly.

“Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” – Psalm 51:2 (NIV)

Thank You so much for the rain Lord.  🙂


~Phather Phil
