
Thankful Thursday: All the Pieces

Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!

And so Lord, we come to another Thankful Thursday edition of  It’s been a truly eventful week, and other than a few headaches the most productive one I’ve had in a while.  Therefore, this week I’m most thankful for all the pieces that fit together and allowed that productivity:

For the unexpected, selfless, and very much appreciated assistance of my (earthly) father…

For the tireless efforts of my staff…

For the daily compassion, understanding, support and flexibility of my loving wife Shannon…

For wonderful friends who always seem to be there when we need them…

For clients who continue to give us their trust, and their patronage…

For teenagers in our neighborhood who do a great job on the yardwork at a reasonable price…

For the countless Blessings and Guidance You bestow on me each day…

Heavenly Father, looking back over the week’s events it amazes me how many little pieces had to come together to make it all work.  Your Hands shaped my path as always, and for that I am truly thankful.  Please continue to guide me forward, and I pray that I make the choices that best glorify Your Wishes for my life.  Amen.

~Phather Phil
